Emergency Eye Care

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We Are Here When You Need Us

St. Clair Eye Clinic is here to manage your optical emergencies. We provide quick care to help preserve your vision in the case of an emergency situation. 

We are an emergency referral clinic for a UHN family practice and will always make time to see emergency patients on the same or next day. We can also arrange quick referrals for secondary and tertiary care as needed. 

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you’re having an emergency.


Types of Eye Emergencies


If there has been impact to the eye or surrounding areas, you are at risk for long-term damage to these delicate tissues. Physical trauma can cause a black eye or swelling, eye pain, or even bleeding. If you’ve experienced physical trauma, you can gently apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain.

Chemical Splashes

Chemical splashes could involve vinegar, bleach, or battery acid. If your eyes have been exposed to chemicals, immediately flush your eyes with cool, clean water for 15 minutes and seek emergency medical.

Corneal Abrasions

Corneal abrasions such as tears or punctures in the eye are serious emergencies. Do not rub your eye if you have a corneal abrasion. Instead, apply an eye shield and seek immediate medical attention.

Object in the Eye

If you get an object lodged in your eye, do not rub it under any circumstances. If blinking does not help move it out of your eye, flush your eyes with cool, clean water.


Flashes of light or cobweb-like images that appear to be floating in your field of vision might be a sign of retinal detachment. The sudden appearance of such objects or the presence of flashing light constitutes a medical emergency.

Act Quickly To Preserve Your Vision

We always have time for emergency patients. We know how important it is to act quickly in the instance of an ocular emergency. Call us right away if you need immediate care. If our offices are not open, please go to your nearest emergency room.


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