Glaucoma Treatment Specialists

Trusted Eye Doctors in Toronto

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State of the Art Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in Canada. Having regular, comprehensive ocular exams is the best way to detect glaucoma and slow or even prevent vision loss.

Glaucoma is sometimes called “the silent thief of sight” because it often progresses slowly and without symptoms. By the time symptoms are noticeable, the disease has likely reached an advanced stage, causing significant damage to your sight. 

Make sure glaucoma does not rob you of your sight.

Book Your Appointment Today


Generally, glaucoma impacts the peripheral (side) vision but can rapidly advance to damaging central vision if left untreated. Glaucoma cannot be prevented, but it can be managed, and the impacts can be reduced.

Our practice uses applanation tonometry to measure your intraocular pressure. This test measures the amount of pressure needed to gently flatten the cornea.  Anyone can get glaucoma, but people with diabetes are nearly twice as likely to develop open-angle glaucoma than those without diabetes.

Glaucoma Screening and Management
An optometrist applying eye drops to the right eye of his patient to alleviate eye dryness.


If you’ve been diagnosed with glaucoma, our eye care team will work closely with you to help you manage your disease. We are with you every step of the way to protect your vision and maintain your quality of life. 

If you have a concern about your glaucoma or vision, you can book an urgent glaucoma appointment (within 48 hours). Don’t hesitate to protect your eyes. Please call us soon to schedule an appointment.

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